Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Top Five Tuesday

I have decided to implement one day a week to name my top 5 favorite...whatever. I hear by deem Tuesdays "Top 5 Tuesday". As my first Top 5 Tuesday (aka T5T...can you tell I'm a texter?) I will identify my Top 5 Country Songs of All Time. Being a Texas native, I grew up on Garth, George, Johnny, and Martina. So, here goes:

1. "Boy Named Sue" by Johnny Cash- The reason for giving this the number one spot is pretty simple; it was the first country song I ever heard. Most mothers sang lullabies, children songs, or hymns from church to their children. But my mom? No...we heard this on every road trip, errand run, or any other random time my mom decided to break out in song. She started every line for us, and we would all excitedly reply in unison. From the day my mom first taught me 'My daddy left home when I was three and he didn't leave much for Mom and me just an ole' guitar and an empty bottle of booze' I was hooked. The greatest part about this song is that I was convinced my Mom wrote it and had no idea it was a Johnny Cash original until I was in junior high and a friend of mine was listening to it on his Walkman. I was so disappointed, but it doesn't change the fact it is the greatest country song of all time.
2. "She's in Love with the Boy" by Trisha Yearwood- I think this was the ultimate "chick flick" country song. I'm always up for a good love story, so condensing it into less than four minutes and putting it to song only makes it that much better. When I was ten hearing this for the first time, I would fantasize about meeting my one and only love in high school, get engaged with my boyfriend's class ring at a Tastee-Freeze and have my Dad ready to beat the guy's brains in for proposing. That's true love I tell you.

3. "I've Got Friends in Low Places" by Garth Brooks- This is another favorite for similar reasons to number one; nostalgic sentiment. Again, thanks to Mom, Garth was a family favorite and many a time me and my four siblings would beg her to play this song so we could jam out at the top of our lungs. Just picture it: Five children ranging from 3 to 14 playing our air gee-tars and singing every word we knew. Teaching us kids what one must resort to in order to get over a bad break-up was top on the family moral list.

4. "All My Exes Live in Texas" by George Strait- What a great song. Between George's easy-on-the-ears melodic voice and the creative lyrics, I can always enjoy a great rendition of 'All My Exes" anytime. And of course, the fact it's all about my native state is a huge plus.

And Finally...Number 5...
"Lights Went Out in Georgia" by Reba McEntire- Oh yes. Reba is the Queen of Country. Enough said. But I'll say a little more. For those of you that haven't heard this song need to get on Itunes immediately and educate yourself in one of the best country songs ever. Where else can you get an entire scandal complete with a cheatin' wife, corrupt judges, a couple murders and one woman set out to make them all pay? Every time I hear that line "You see lil' sister don't miss when she aims her gun" I get chills. Reba, babe, you are the bomb.
So there it is. Any you would take off or add? Comment and give me your opinion!


Ashley said...

Garth & Reba are my all times faves!! And I love Reba's "Georgia" song too! I saw her at the Rodeo once and loved her even more...now if I could only see good ol' Garth in concert...maybe one day, if I'm lucky.

Julia said...

i love that all your favorites are the good 'ole country songs...country has gotten so pop-y lately that i miss the old stuff. i laughed at the condensing a love story in less than four minutes.

Anonymous said...

Straight Tequila Night...that was one of my favs...good list!