Sunday, April 27, 2008

Are You Kidding Me?

Okay. So a certain sister-in-law calls me earlier this week and is throwing a bridal shower for a friend of hers that she has kind of a love/hate relationship with. Not sure why she thought I was the best consultant she had for cute theme/game/party ideas for this, but she did and I therefore contacted my consultant for those things---my friend Erin. She gave me some fantastic stuff and after brainstorming a little on my own, I called the SIL back and we chatted at length about this. Even though said SIL is extermely busy with her own obligations, she was taking all week to plan this shower for her fairweathered friend and was not even complaining about it---let's be honest, I WOULD BE!!!

So the shower was last night, and I called her today to find out how everything went after all her preparation. Want to know what happened? Of course you do...why else would you be reading?

The shower went very well---almost everybody had a wonderful time; everybody but the bride. Understandably, anybody getting married is entitled to choose if they will be that overly psychotic bridezilla you think only exists in reality TV until you actually deal with one, but this girl was over the top. I had given her an idea to spice up the present opening (because we all know that's the worst part about showers...saying 'ooo' and 'aaawww' every time a new present is opened and then acting interested as it's passed around. Like yes, I really do need to hold those terry cloth towels MYSELF or I just won't be able to appreciate them like I need to) by writing down everything the bride says and then, after it's done, reading the list saying that's what the bride will be saying on her wedding night. I know, for the LDS bridal showers this can be a little risk-ay but come on people it's all in good fun. And what's a bridal shower if you're not making sexual innuendos every five seconds, right?

In any case, the SIL said this game was hysterical, and left everybody laughing (at one point the bride had reacted to a gift by saying " that really what it is?" If that's not good comedy I just don't know what is). And the brides reaction? Turning to my beloved SIL and saying "Well, that was inappropriate". Not convinced that's enough to justify this post? After the food and the games, she turns to SIL and says " that it?" (To which SIL replies yes) "Um...okay. Well then, if that's all you've done I guess everybody can go home."

No kidding. She needs a spanking. Or a very stern lecture. And since I am not able to do either of these things I will just vent about such horrible behavior in a post and move on with my life.


Anonymous said...

WTF??? How rude!! What was she expecting, a private jet to Vegas and a red carpet when she got there? Thanks for being a nice bride to your maid of honor, I love you for that!!

Ashley said...

Oh bless her future husband is all I have to say. She seems so spoiled & saying she's ungrateful is stating the obvious. I'd be totally frustrated and annoyed if I was your SIL. I played that game @ the baby shower I threw a few months ago, and it didn't go over so well. A few of my friends who were in on it were cracking up, but the some others seemed totally offended. Gotta love the prudes! =).

Julia said...

Woah. THAT is blog worthy. I can't believe that..some people.